We have temporarily stopped publication of new works on Poem2day to focus on other projects. We will let you know when we re-open to submissions. Thank you very much to our contributors and for your interest in Poem2day. -Editors
(KINDLY pass this on to your writer friends, tweet this, or post this on your blog or Facebook wall. Many thanks for the support.)
As we want only the best pieces of poetry, it is our policy to reply to submissions within 48 hours.
We read submissions year-round, and we post poems as they come, if found acceptable.
Poem2day serves warm, inspired, quality poems in English. If you have unpublished poems to share, please email them to poem2daysubmit [at] gmail [dot] com. Please also provide a 3rd-person bio indicating your country of residence. Limit your bio to one paragraph of five-seven lines. We do not mind multiple and simultaneous submissions.
Artists may also send their artworks to the same email address.
To have a feel of the quality/type of poems we accept, please visit http://poem2day.blogspot.com. Our detailed submission guidelines may be found at http://poem2day.blogspot.com/p/submission-guidelines.html.