I bring you here so you can tell me what you see
As I spread the checkered cloth on the grass
And bring out the apples
And I wish you can tell me
Open your mouth tell me what you feel
I can see little stars in your eyes,
The same stars that died when I was young
Captured still in your eyes after light-years of burning
You just smile
And I knew I would have smiled that way too
If I just saw them, my father pointing them out to me
To guide my stare, my eyes overwhelmed with so much beauty
I wish I could borrow your eyes
See through them
It would be great
Like blind man seeing the first time
After a life of darkness.
When you look and do not see meaning
When you only know 2 emotions
When love is a kiss and a hug and a balloon
And a candy, your tongue only looks for sweetness
Do not ask why
Just jump into me
We will roll around the grass
Your hands outstretched to feel the rush of air
My eyes on you, the land, then sky, then land again
And then I know
How a hug can be so full of love