A right-handed woman
Handing you a martini with her left hand.
As this right-handed woman hands you
A martini with her left hand, she conveys
Verbally the following information that
The olive in the glass was grown in
Assisi, Italy in a grove that bordered on the field
Where St. Francis preached to goldfinches.
She emphasizes, stresses that it is not
A Spanish olive, not one of the commonplace
Olives that are found in supermarkets,
In shopping malls, but was bought
From an independent Italian grocer
Who could speak French and German, but not English,
Who specializes in selling olives
Grown in Assisi.
Axiom derived from the social event:
All social life begins with a right-handed women
Handing you a martini with her left-hand.
She used her left hand to advertise
That her wedding ring with the large diamond
On her wedding ring finger was damaged,
A chip was broken off the end of a plane
On top of the diamond. She used her
Left hand to make this wedding ring situation obvious.
From my one alley window, I view
The fire escape painted red.
It flames in sunlight, is ashes at night,
Has not been fondled for years.
Its attachment, educational, fireproof.
If it were painted green, I would
Have a view everyday of the shades
Of color that come with four seasons.
DUANE LOCK lives hermetically by an ancient oak, an underground stream, and an osprey’s nest in rural Lakeland, Florida. He has as of January 2010, more than 6,000 different poems published in print magazines such as American Poetry Review, Nation, etc.; e zines such as Counter Example Poetics, Pen Himalaya (Nepal); and 21 books of poems. His three latest books are Yang Chu’s Poems, Crossing Chaos (Canada), Voices from a Grave (erbacce, England), and Soliloquies from a High Wall Hidden Cemetery (Differentia Press, California). He has a Ph. D, specializing in English Metaphysical Poetry (Donne to Marvel). His doctoral dissertation, “Images and Image Symbolism in Metaphysical Poetry,” is on UF internet. For more information, e-mail him at duanelocke@gmail.com.